At the last board meeting it was decided the common area would be upgraded. Improvements include new furniture, a better treadmill, perhaps a working TV and a kitchen area upgrade. New improvements will be posted here as they become available so check back soon. Unfortunately it was decided replacing the cooking facilities would not be economically viable as new regulations would require an exhaust vent costing over $10,000.
It was also decided a fine committee was needed since we are having problems with renters allowing un-accompanied visitors to use our facilties. It was brought to the board's attention that there are still several cars in the parking lot without the proper parking sticker. As a result a committee was formed consisting of Ken Smith, Barbara Brooks and Tom.
Several issues were tabled including the repair of the roof which was brought to our attention by a secondary roofing company as well as concerns regarding the current pool company who seems to be over charging a bit. Finally, a new landscaping company was recently retained.